The day Kiley was officially diagnosed with a grade IV glioblastoma brain tumor was a sunny day in St. Louis after weeks of snow and freezing temperatures. The beautiful weather was the first thing Kiley mentioned when she typed up a message to a few close friends explaining what had unfolded over the past 24 hours. It was hard to comprehend that this beautiful, adventurous 25-year-old had brain cancer. I experienced the same range of emotions many of you experienced when receiving the news: shock, disbelief, anger, sadness. So when I read through her message, I was overwhelmed and humbled by her faith and HOPE. Just hours after receiving the diagnosis, Kiley wrote:

God is all powerful and sovereign and knows what’s best for all of us. I’m just doing my best to sit back and know that he is in control.

As I read her words of HOPE in the midst of such fear and uncertainty, Kiley reminded me then of what I know to be true: God loves her passionately, more than I can fathom. Nothing is too big for him. He is in control. Therefore, we have HOPE. Even in our own limited understanding, even in our fear and confusion, even in life’s toughest trials, we do not lose heart. Our HOPE is bigger than a tumor, bigger than cancer, bigger than this life. 

Our HOPE is eternal. 

This t-shirt is a reminder of the HOPE that we have, written in all of the languages that have influenced Kiley: Spanish, Swahili, Portuguese, Romanian, Albanian, English, and French. We wear it as a testament of our HOPE and as a symbol of our love for Kiley, reminding us to rejoice in HOPE, to be patient in tribulation, and to be constant in prayer.

-Laura Cox 
A dear friend of Kiley

To read more about Kiley and her journey click here.